Since its establishment, this institution has been actively promoting a qualification certification platform for professional skills, and it has been in line with international assessment standards, so that skilled practitioners can obtain multiple certificates and recognized qualifications from multiple countries with one assessment result. The qualification certification system for professional skills facilitates the control of the quality assurance of skilled practitioners, and at the same time helps to enhance the image of the industry and allow their professional skills to be recognized by the public. Have a strong positive impact on business development.
- IICT認證考試採取全球統一標準。考試合格後取得相應等級的統一證書,具有同樣的國際權威性且終身有效。
- IICT擁有完善的全程跟蹤測控、教師評估、證書查詢體係來保證培訓及認證的權威性。
- IICT培訓特色在於:高品質的教學質量、全方位的素質合成、中外專家精英、國際通行職業金卡。
- IICT提供了一個靈活而個性化的方案,可以在不損害學術卓越的前提下,符合到成人學習者和中等職業學習者的需求,隻需一次考核,獲取多國證書。