Professional skills learning

Provide an open communication platform for colleagues with different professional skills

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International professional certification

About our qualification

Since its establishment, this institution has been actively promoting a qualification certification platform for professional skills, and it has been in line with international assessment standards, so that skilled practitioners can obtain multiple certificates and recognized qualifications from multiple countries with one assessment result. The qualification certification system for professional skills facilitates the control of the quality assurance of skilled practitioners, and at the same time helps to enhance the image of the industry and allow their professional skills to be recognized by the public. Have a strong positive impact on business development.

IICT International Talent Pool Certificate

ITEC Certificate in Nail Art

South Korea GPF certificate

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Website Professional Course

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Graduate student

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Certified Instructor

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Cooperative academic institutions

Professional tutor

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tutor's name

Tutor profession

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Tutor profession

tutor's name

Tutor profession

Everyone Deserves The Chance
To Learn With IICT

The Association expects to recruit professional and skilled talents from different industries and provide an open communication platform for colleagues with different professional skills.

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文章Sample 3

Article Sample 3

This is the content of the sample article, for demonstration and reference only. Here you can publish detailed sub-items and industry information.

文章Sample 2

Article Sample 2

This is the content of the sample article, for demonstration and reference only. Here you can publish detailed sub-items and industry information.

文章Sample 1

Article Sample 1

This is the content of the sample article, for demonstration and reference only. Here you can publish detailed sub-items and industry information.